The calico bass can be found in the kelp forests in Baja and southern California. They on an average weight 1-3 lbs. The fish is slow-growing fish and taste good. You can catch some of the bug calico fishes in south California. San Clemente Island offers you a great catch. The Baja spots are also ideal for catching the calico fish. If there is an area that has kelp, then it should be easy to catch the Calico bass.
Types of fish that can be found
The younger calico bass is light brown, and the older ones are olive green in color. The upper part of the head of the calico bass is spotted with yellow, pale spots and the body has a black or brown and olive green blotch.
Type of fishing that can be done at the location
To fish for the calico bass, you need to grasp their lower jaw and for that make sure that you wrap your hand with a band-aid. They also have sharp spines towards their back. A medium-weight baitcasting is an ideal set up to fish for the calico bass. A good baitcasting reel is recommended.
They can be caught from the shore, but they are better caught from the boat. You can attach a lure or a bait to catch the fish.
The calico bass will bite an artificial lure that looks like a small fish. The best time to catch the calico fish is in the warm months between May to October, but they are also in plenty in November and April.
The calico bass reaches to a length of 72 cm, and the maximum weight that has been recorded is 7 kgs. The fish takes around 5 to 6 years to reach its length of 12 inches, and this is also the time that they spawn. It is a sport fish, and thus steers is the danger of overfishing.
The Calico Bass ranges from the eastern Pacific Ocean along with the western coast of North America. It is found in southern Baja, north of the Columbia River in the state of Washington and Mexico. The species is common in the California coats.
The calico bass inhabits the kelp forests, and it can be found mostly in this habitat. The individuals take shelter and feed in their separate area within the forest. The immature fishes nestle in the kelp blades and the rocky areas. The adults may venture into the rocky parts as they are less prone to attack by the predators. The adults will prefer to stay in a place that has shade and large holes.
The calico bass can be found at a depth of 61 m, and they are mostly found in the shallow waters. It mostly stays in the kelp beds over the reefs and around the rock jetties and the breakwater structure.
The calico fish feeds on the small fishes like the crustaceans, squid, and plankton. In the warmer months, the fish will spawn in the deep waters. Calico bass is known to bite humans.