[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]What a beautiful day to go fishing! We had planned this trip a couple of days in advance however with a looming thunderstorm we were a bit hesitant. Decision were a go ahead checking the local weathers and tides.
We arrived at 11:00am. (I was 30mins late as usual) Tony was already patiently waiting at the ramp. After a bit of chit chat we pushed off and fished our way towards the river mouth. Jonathan striked first blood with a legal bream. All hopes were high since it was One-O Jono that caught the first fish! My gf’s dad pulled in the 2nd legal bream shortly after.
Game was on! Tony and I both panicked. We can’t loose to Jono! I decided to troll a little hard bodied lure behind me. It paid off! I managed to hook a nice 57cm flattie. Couldn’t believe my luck! My first legal flattie on a lure! I then managed to pull in another bream towards the mouth.
Tony finally broke his dry spell towards midday with a star gazer. Caught on plastics! An hour later he striked again with another neat 51cm flattie! On the same lure! My gf’s dad pulled in another bream sometime as well but it jumped out of his kayak.
Towards 3:30pm the storms started rolling in. We weren’t risking it! packed up and slowly fished our way in. Unfortunately no more fish were caught. We all caught 2 fish except for One-O Jono with the single bream! Guess that’s why we called him One-O Jono We made it back to the car and loaded up just in time. The skies opening up as we were leaving. Talk about good timing!
All in all a beautiful day out with friends to lubricate those joints from a hard week’s work ????[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”https://youtu.be/9mZqBMWNlVk”][vc_column_text]