Lake Orion is located in the north-eastern part of Oakland County. It is spread across 493 acres and has a maximum depth of around 80 feet. The lake is a warm water lake and is home to some cool water species.
Lake Orion is at a distance of 143 miles from Detroit an, 147 miles from Windsor and 155 miles from Milwaukee.
The Lake has a dam, and it maintains the water level of the lake and its outflow into the Paint Creek. To mitigate the warm flow of water in the summer months, a bottom draw has been installed that allows the deep water from the cold sections. It is a suitable breeding ground for the trout fishes.
You need a valid fishing license to fish in the Lake Orion. If you are over 17 years of age or older, then you need a license. If you are under 17, then you can fish here without a license. However, make sure that you follow the rules and regulations of fishing in Lake Orion.
The best season to fish in Lake Orion is from the months between May and September where the anglers can get some great catch.
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